Monday, February 06, 2006

My Role Models (Part 2)

this publish is made for another special person...
Sis. Julie Brown

Sis. Julie is a good pastor's wife.
she is also a good mother.
she is a nice lady and she wears pretty clothes.
she would make another good role model for me!

love kimberly.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Cat, Morris!!! Aint he just sooooo cute!? (Every time the camera flashes he closes his eyes! We can't get a picture of him with his eyes open! LOL!!) Posted by Picasa

This is me and my other baby doll, her name is Chou Chou. Posted by Picasa

This is me and my baby doll Lorin. I saved my money for 8 months to get her, She is an Ashton drake doll. Posted by Picasa

I love this picture of me! Posted by Picasa